Profit Analytics is a niche profit improvement practice founded by Leonard Brown in 2007, and working out of Belfast, Northern Ireland. 


Our clients are mostly small and medium sized businesses that are ‘busy’ but either loss-making or not returning the profits they deserve. 


We work with manufacturers, processors, distributors, wholesalers and professional services providers. 


Our aim is simple: to help our clients become more profitable, quickly, at a cost that's paid-back from improved profits, within weeks.


Our aim is our client’s results should start to show a tangible profit improvement within 90 days of beginning their project.  And they should be able to forecast AT LEAST an eight times payback on our fees within the first 12 months after the project is complete.

In our earlier years, we used the traditional ‘boots on the ground’ approach to these projects.  We spent lots of time working alongside clients in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland.


But the world has moved-on since then - and so have we. 


Today we support our clients ‘on-line’.  Today we don’t need to be in the same office to have a face-to-face discussion with them - or to view each other’s computer screen.


That means we’re able to help more businesses than before, we’re not constrained by geography, and we can serve our clients more flexibly and more cost effectively, too.

I’m Leonard Brown – and if you work with us, I’ll be your main contact. 


I’ve over 30 years’ experience of helping businesses improve their profitability. 


Many of those years were spent working ‘inside’ one business or another - either as their ‘Finance’ guy (I’m an FCMA) – or as their General Manager (tasked to turnaround that business). 


When I took time to look back, I recognised that whichever role I’d been in, the part of the job I’d enjoyed most was helping discover why a business wasn’t delivering the results it deserved and what needed be done to improve it. (And that probably explains why I studied and earned a Master’s in Business Improvement from the University of Ulster Business School) 


So in 2007, I left my General Manager’s role in a large corporate to start this practice and to help more businesses improve their profits. 


And that’s what I continue to do today.

If you like what you’ve heard so far and want to find out a bit more, click on the tab below and we can arrange a 20 minute slot for an informal chat. 


It won’t commit you to anything - and you won’t get a sales pitch from me.  We’ll just discuss your situation, explore whether this approach might be a good one for your business - and get some idea of whether working together might be a good fit.

Help Start Improve Your Business’ Profits in 90 days

One-Day Workshop


This workshop is designed to help accounting professionals identify…

Why their business isn’t delivering the profits it should


What needs be done to turn it around, quickly

It’s designed to help them help their business START improving profits within 90 days.

Finance Business Partnering

Half-Day Workshop

(Next Workshop Date Pending)


If you are…
• An accounting professional wondering what FBP is all about
• An FD/CFO wondering whether it’s ‘right’ for your organisation, now.

• You have the job title – but you’re struggling to make sense of it all...
This will be 3+ hours well spent.

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